
Nasturtium at the Springer property

1pm. Mapped nasturtium infestation to fenceline of neighbor. Very windy, cool but not cold. If not for the wind, it would be warm. Edges are mixed with nasturtium sparse. Middle of infestation approx. 100% Nast. cover.

Above are notes from mapping a nasturtium infestation under the oak woodlands at our Springer property. Note: we name our properties by the last names of the most recent owner, unless we can find a better more historically appropriate name.

This is a large infestation (couldn't calculate the acreage due to operator error!). But easy to remove and replace with natives. As I may or may not have stated here before; Nasturtium is not a good competitor. At least not here at this site under the oaks. It will persist - the seed bank - but cannot compete with dense planting of species like woodmint. We continue to remove Nasturtium by hand and plant clusters of natives.

The mapping is essential to monitoring progress. One conservation goal at ESNERR is to protect, enhance, and restore coast live oak woodlands. The removal of invasive non-native species such as Nasturtium is an integral part of that plan.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bree.. oops.. your pulling nasturtium plants while we plant it for our salad mixes..I'll be sure it does not escape the confines of our garden beds!

